We are dedicated to raising the attainment of all our students in mathematics, preparing them to be independent and logical thinking individuals who are able to function in today’s society. It’s particularly important that all students experience mathematics here at the College that they will need in real life. Using many different techniques and strategies, we work to ensure that all students both reach their potential in mathematics and enjoy learning.
We set challenging targets with high expectations for all students and offer a variety of approaches to teaching and learning to engage and motivate them. By exploring enrichment opportunities outside the curriculum, the Department creates activities that enhance the students’ enjoyment of the subject. To reach students as early as possible in their education, we also work with our partner primary schools in developing and supporting their teachers in raising the mathematical attainment for students in Years 5 and 6.
Maths Big Ideas
All students at the College progress through a series of topics through KS3 and KS4 that build understanding in key areas:
- Number
- Algebra
- Ratio, proportion, and rates of change
- Geometry and measures
- Probability
- Statistics
In addition, all students at the College encounter enrichment maths during lessons, and as a department, we’re committed to also work beyond the classroom.
Key Stage 3 Maths
We follow a Mathematics curriculum, taking every opportunity to improve students’ thinking, functional skills and problem-solving to develop a deeper understanding of the mathematical skills covered. Students are grouped at the start of Year 7 based on their KS2 attainment, and we regularly assess and monitor their progress. Students work individually as well as in pairs and in groups and enjoy activities that broaden their mathematical experience including World Maths Day, Number Day, Maths Roadshow, Pi Day and UK Maths Challenge.
Key Stage 4 Maths
Students start their KS4 journey part way through year 9, following a pathway that is based on their prior attainment at KS3. Students work individually as well as in pairs, and their work is monitored and assessed regularly. The course covers a wide range of mathematical knowledge and skills such as:
- Algebra
- Number
- Ratio and Proportion
- Geometry
- Statistics and Probability
- Applying mathematics to problem-solving
You can see what the courses involve at the foundation and higher level by looking at the documents linked at the bottom of the page. For more information, you can also visit the exam board.
- The current year 11’s (exam to be taken 2024) will be taking the EdExcel exam paper.
- The current Year 10’s (exam to be taken 2025) will be taking the OCR exam paper.
Key Stage 4 Further Maths
To push the more able we offer GCSE further maths. This course is an excellent introduction to those who which to study a level or would like to secure the Maths GCSE knowledge. This is studied alongside GCSE maths in a lunchtime/ afterschool setting.
Enrichment and Extracurricular Activities
There are also various after College clubs and activities:
- Maths Club
- Homework Club
- Games Club
- Drop-in sessions
- Brilliant Club
- DJ Club
- Chess Club
- Maths Residential Trip to Florence
- Revision programs (after College/half-term holidays)
The Department also offers other enrichment activities at KS4 including Master Classes to local 6th forms and some of our private school partners, visits to universities, Maths conferences, and trips.
If you have any further questions please email our Head of Department.
Mr M Runacres -
Teaching Staff
- Mr M Runacres (Subject Leader of Mathematics)
- Ms E Morgan (Second in Charge and Mathematics Teacher)
- Ms M Stanislaus (Practitioner and Teacher of Mathematics)
- Ms C Hughes (More Able Coordinator and Mathematics Teacher)
- Ms J Parillon (Teacher of Maths and 2I/C SENCO)
- Ms S Hilton (Mathematics Teacher)
- Ms C Evans (Mathematics Teacher)
- Mr C Amfo (Mathematics Teacher)
- Ms I Clarke (Mathematics Teacher)
- Ms C Gill (Mathematics Teacher)
- Mr F Jasper (Mathematics Teacher)
- Ms P Jones (Interventions Coordinator)