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Barton House
Blessed Elizabeth Barton (ca 1506 – 20th April 1534) also known as the Holy Maid of Kent
Elizabeth Barton was an English servant girl until she became a nun in 1525. She was martyred by being hanged for Treason in 1534. She is the only nun to ever be executed in England.
House Feast Day
Blessed Elizabeth Barton's feast day is celebrated on 8th May
House Leader 
Mr T Maylam
The House Motto
Courage is the key that opens every door
The House Statement
Barton House encourages all of its students to promote the attributes and values displayed by Blessed Elizabeth Barton throughout her life. These include the courage, determination and honesty to speak out about what you feel is right, even when met with opposition. We expect all students in Barton House to show respect to all House members and show a strong sense of commitment to the School ethos and encourage all house members in their journey through life at Bonus Pastor Catholic College.
The House Prayer
We pray to you Blessed Elizabeth Barton, Holy Maid of London, Nun of Kent, to help us speak out against injustice and be true to our Catholic faith, Blessed Elizabeth Barton, Pray for us.
For more information please email Head of Barton, Mr T Maylam at:
Latest Barton House News
Barton house bake sale raise £90 for Shelter