
At Bonus Pastor, we believe that effective assessment and feedback are key to student success. Our approach ensures students understand their progress, know their next steps, and are supported in achieving their goals.

We use a combination of formative (ongoing) and summative (formal) assessments to track progress. Teachers provide regular, timely, and meaningful feedback, helping students develop independence and confidence in their learning. Focused Improvement Time (FIT) is built into lessons, allowing students to reflect on and act upon feedback to improve their work.

Our commitment to high standards means students are encouraged to take pride in their work, engage with feedback, and strive for excellence. Through clear targets, structured assessments, and ongoing support, we ensure every student reaches their full potential.

KS3 Assessments

At Bonus Pastor, we utilise an assessment strategy designed to support and challenge every student. We conduct two formal assessment windows each academic year, providing valuable insights into student progress. 

Upon entry into Year 7, students complete the MidYIS assessment, the results of which play a crucial role in informing class setting and the provision of tailored support. This MidYIS data is considered alongside scaled scores from primary school, allowing us to build a holistic understanding of each student's academic profile. Each student is assigned a rank percentile based on this data, though this specific information is not currently shared with parents or students.

Each report provides an assessment score as a percentage, the year group average for each subject, and a personalised performance statement. The performance judgement/ scale is made in relation to the ability of the student and compared to other students who also sat the same assessment. The performance scale monitors to see if your son/daughter has dipped, stayed the same or improved upon their position within the year group. This should highlight areas of strength and identify areas where further development. This approach emphasises individual growth and encourages students to strive for continuous improvement, fostering a positive and supportive learning environment.

Students with concessions will sit their exams inside concession rooms, and will be provided with their allocated extra time.

Parents are notified about assessment windows and revision lists and resources are provided to students on Google classroom.

For more information about the KS3 Methodology please take a look at the following presentation and video on how we conduct our assessments here at Bonus Pastor.

Feedback & Assessment Policy

KS3 Percent Rank System (Parent Presentation)

KS3 Percent Rank System (Video)

KS3 Tracking Report (Example)

KS4 Assessments

KS2 SATs scaled scores are used to generate aspirational target grades for each student.

We use Fisher Family Trust (FFT). FFT compares students' scaled scores and outcomes nationally and using historical and contextual data provides target grades for students. 

We use FFT 5 +1 - This means that if students at a Bonus Pastor met their targets we would be in the top 5 schools in the country. 

The Fisher Family Trust (FFT) processes the National Pupil Database for the Department of Education and provides data and analyses to all schools in England and Wales.

Students will sit two formal summative assessments per year in KS4. These assessments are conducted in the main/ small hall and are invigilated like the real exams. Exams are conducted in this way to adequately prepare students for their GCSEs.

Students with concessions will sit their exams inside concession rooms, and will be provided with their allocated extra time.

Parents are notified about assessment windows and revision lists and resources are provided to students on Google classroom.

Assessment Grading

Most subjects at Bonus Pastor will be graded on assessments using the 9-1 grading scale for GCSEs. 


Grades at BTEC are awarded slightly differently, however, the new Level 2 equivalents would roughly be as follows:

  • Distinction * (D*) = 8 or 9 at GCSE
  • Distinction (D) = 7 or 8 at GCSE
  • Merit (M) = 5 or 6 at GCSE
  • Pass (P) = 4 or 5 at GCSE

When tracking is complete the reports are sent home to your parents via MCAS.

KS4 Tracking Report (Example)

KS3/ KS4 Annual Reports

Annual reports are completed once a year by classroom teachers.

The reports include evaluations on the following key areas:

  • Punctuality to lessons: This section assesses your child's timeliness in attending classes, which is crucial for effective learning and participation.

  • Equipment needed for lessons: Here, we evaluate your child's preparedness for lessons by ensuring they have the necessary materials and resources to engage fully in their learning activities.

  • Engagement in learning: We assess your child's level of involvement and participation in classroom activities and discussions, as active engagement is essential for academic growth.

  • Behaviour for learning: This section focuses on your child's conduct and demeanour in the classroom environment, as positive behaviour fosters a conducive learning atmosphere for everyone.

  • Homework: We evaluate your child's completion and quality of homework assignments, as these tasks reinforce classroom learning and promote independent study habits.

  • Progress made towards targets: Lastly, we provide an assessment of your child's progress towards their academic targets. 

The annual report provides parents with an overview of how their son or daughter is doing across the curriculum.

Annual report scores:

The scores for aspects of learning are; 3 = outstanding, 2= good, 1= requires improvement, 0= unacceptable

Example Annual Report

Example annual report