Creative Media & ICT Extra - Curricular Project

Jul 5 2024

The International Film Festival has returned to schools across the globe in 2024. Through the project, I will be working with our youngShakesspear people to produce their own abridged Shakespeare short film, developing confidence, creativity and resilience in the process. 

The Role of Digital Literacy

Digital literacy has been playing a crucial role in each step of the film making process. Digital literacy empowers our students to be more efficient, creative, and collaborative in making their modern Shakespeare film. In the workshop sessions, students have been using our ICT suite & their chromebooks to create storyboards, research, read & create scripts, collaborate with team members and edit film content all within the Google workspace.

What to expect in Pre-Production workshops

  • Viewing scenes from current & iconic film adaptations of Romeo & Juliet for inspiration
  • Studying different & interesting film making styles from Wes Anderson to Alfred Hitchcock
  • Brainstorming ideas on ways to recreate Romeo & Juliet for a contemporary young audience
  • Looking at & analysing Shakespearean language
  • Developing innovative scripts
  • Assigning roles for in front & behind the camera
  • Creating Visual mood boards & Treatments

I am really proud of all the creativity exuding out of our students. Filming will take place  in September & the finished film piece will be entered into the competition & hopefully showcased later on in the year. 

Take a look at this fantastic presentation outlining the extra-curricular Project

PASTORAL Creative Media News Shakespeare Film festival

Miss Shaw

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